
Academic Policies and Standards Committee (ACPOL)

The Academic Policies and Standards Committee (ACPOL) acts on behalf of the faculty to review academic policies, as well as hear appeals from students who wish to waive/amend graduation/degree requirements, academic probation/standards, or other policies delineated in the Catawba Catalog. The policies in question are those described in the "Academic Policies, Procedures, and Terminology" section of the Catalog. 

  • ACPOL serves as an appeals committee, approving or rejecting any requests for exceptions from approved academic policies. ACPOL reviews petitions and accompanying letters of recommendation and decides whether the requested exception is appropriate based on the facts and circumstances.
  • ACPOL initially reviews additions, deletions, exceptions, and revisions to academic policies. When academic policies are proposed or amended, the originating office or academic program shall send the policy language to ACPOL for review. ACPOL will respond with suggestions related to functionality and coherence with other, standing academic policies.
  • ACPOL serves faculty, staff, and students by providing recommendation and explanations related to academic policies and the way the policies interact and function. ACPOL functions as an educational resource regarding academic policies and may make recommendations for consideration by various campus offices or programs as to how they may best utilize academic policy.

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